Dawn needed a lie in this morning so I got up with the kids and did the breakfast routine. It was still late when I finally got finished. I did the dreaded hair brushing with the usual results. Dawn always has a go at me for not being able to do anything with Lucy's hair apart from brush it so I thought I would have a go today.Well judge for yourself, I think it is a look that could catch on. Dawn on the other hand ripped it out and did it again. I did apologise to Lucy, I just hope she is not emotionally scarred. We managed to make a picnic and set off for Beningbrough Hall near York. Since joining the National Trust earlier this year we are working our way around their properties. It has been a good way of getting us out and about and I would recommend it to anybody. The annual membership fee has paid for itself already. When we arrived there a group of Morris Dancers were in full flow. Lucy quite liked the sound of the bells on their feet.
There is a nice restaurant with tables outside so we bought coffees and sat outside and had our picnic while we gave Lucy her lunch. Lucy did her favourite party trick, spitting most of her lunch on Dawn. Dawn took it well for a while but when she was struggling to see through the second hand baby food I took over and took a splattering from Lucy's pudding. We were told when we arrived where the special lift was because the attendant realised that we would need it. A lot of National Trust places don't allow pushchairs and it made a change for somebody to realise without being told that Lucys buggy is a wheelchair not a push chair. You don't have to be a genius to work it out you only have to look at Lucy and all the straps. Unfortunately when we got into the house the first attendant we saw made a big point of checking if it was OK for us to take Lucy's chair around the house. We even had to wait for a man to come and tell us. It immediately makes you feel different and singles you out for special attention. Everbody looks round to see the "special family". These people should know better. I won't dwell on it because we are used to it and have come to half expect it, it is just sad when it happens. The house itself was actually really good. Normally these big old stately homes are a bit serious and dull but Beningbrough has made a special effort to include areas for children. We also could get to all 3 floors using a special lift which we never expected so I would definitely recommend this house as a good wheelchair friendly place to visit.
Lucy and Josh trying on masks, very attractive!!They both had a go at dressing up in old clothes
Josh had a go at modelling a nose
Lucy loved the soft play room and especially this big orange air cushion. She couldn't stop smiling.
After we had finished in the house which is very good for adults as well by the way if you like that sort of thing, we made our way to the adventure playground so that Lucy and Joshua could have a go on the slides. Of course I had to take Lucy down the slides and she enjoyed it so much she smiled all the way down the first slide.
We had really happy relaxed day. Lucy has been a little angel all day and I can't remember her smiling so much in one day. It makes such a difference to all of us when Lucy is happy, her smile is infectious. All those difficult thoughts and feelings are forgotten and we all just relax and have fun. This has been a brilliant way to end/start the week.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
07Oct07 - Beningbrough Hall
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Great to hear that you guys had fun.It takes so much of patience and believe me once we have a good day with our children it makes us feel so blessed.
I am quite apprehensive about our move.I may trouble to find out what we should be doing to getting services for my son ;my husband's company will help us with relocation but they do not have any knowledge about special needs children.
Will mail you in detail later.
Hi Shaoli
Good to hear from you again. I would be apprenhensive too and I will be glad to help out if I can. The mail link on the blog should get you my email address, if not let me know.
I think that you are probably using Lucy and Josh as excuses to go on the slide Neil....In fact I know you are cos my little cherubs are my excuse for acting like a big kid!! LOL You really do need lessons from Dawn in making your daughter presentable on the hair front!! Glad you had a good day Love to you all xxxxx
Hi Neil n Dawn
Think i might try taking Ashleigh to the hall you looked to be having a fantastic time especially Lucy and Josh. Lucy melts your heart with her smile we waited a long time for Ashleighs but its true what they say good things come to those who wait keep having fun take care luv Dawn N Ashleigh xx
oh forgot to say Neil i think your hairdressing skills are going to be modelled on the catwalks very soon if you need any models wil loan you Ashleigh for extra practice when lucy as had enough
Dawn any time you want to bring Ashleigh for a screaming session feel free. I can't guarantee you will like the outcome but she will definitely look unique when I have finished with her.
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